Delivery Information

We happily ship to PO Boxes and APO addresses.  However, shipping to these addresses can add to the transit time and requires UPS to pass the package off to the United States Post Office. These ship options are not included with our free shipping offer.


PO Boxes

If you have a United States Post Office Box please enter the PO Box #, city, state and zipcode and UPS will pass the package to the USPS



PO BOX 123

City, ST ZIP


APO/FPO Addresses

Packages to APO/FPO addresses also ship UPS and are passed off to the USPS for delivery. APO/FPO shipments will often take 4-8 weeks for delivery.

Please note, products with Lithium batteries cannot be shipped to APO/FPO addresses.  Products include watches, POV cameras, goggles with fans  and some beacons, airbags, & headphones.  Look for specific messages on each product page or call Customer Care for help.

Third Party Boxes

If you rent a box from a third party please provide the street address and box #. It will ship UPS the entire way. 



123 Main St

Box 45

City, ST ZIP